2024/10/02 Update: Stylization
Hello there! I tried out two ways of colorization to show the "burnts" of the black hole. Both of them were through a mixure of layer blending and gradient map on top of the balck-and-white base.
Also, I've drew the details of the fool's peak and its texture will be applied to other related scenes.
Other than that, the statues that took a main part of both visuals and narratives was detaily rendered as well. I was inspired mainly by German Expressionism, art deco, and brutalist aesthetics overall. I found these are really fascinating in expression and has a strong power within, and I will explore further for the rest of the production.
Day time vs Night time
Stylized satutes, inspired by German Expressionism, art deco, and brutalist aestehtics overall.
Front view of the statues. The character will be more concise in further versions.
2024/09/25 Update: Motion Test (black hole)
I tried out the black hole animation by using stroke animation combined with effects like roughen edge, find edge, and ripples. And the flowing edge was done by strokes effect on the shape itself.
The process consumed most of the time on rendering so I pre-rendered it as a .mov file. Turns out it was just me copy-and-pasting too many layers and brought too much burden to the PC. But thank god I made it possible on Monty's workstation. So here you have it, the small motion test.
5 seconds = 1-hour rendering...
2024/09/23 Update: Full Animatics
Hello! This week, I have the full animatics turned in. It was basically a refined version with more details and dynamics than the one on last week.
Not much to elaborate, I will just keep pushing myself further to the actual production as soon as possible. Peace out!
So I went back to After Effects...